The spring is located in the town of Mondariz Balneario, Pontevedra (Spain) within a protected area of countryside, where water is filtered through underlying layers of granite, giving it a unique texture and flavour. Studies carried out show that water remains in the aquifer for a period of between 60 and 150 years before gushing out at a constant temperature all year round.


Since its early days, the story of Aguas de Mondariz has revolved around exploiting its mineral-medicinal waters. In 1873, a declaration of public utility for Mondariz water was obtained and since 1877, the mineral water has been bottled at its factory, which is currently located in the building next to the spring.


For many years, the company operated alongside the Spa, which is the most modern spa-therapy centre in Galicia, located in the beautiful valley of the river Tea.

Growing demand from bathers visiting the Spa was decisive in the decision to commence bottling and selling water from its springs. A renowned business was created to operate alongside spa activities. Both businesses are still independent today and are leaders in their respective areas. Mondariz became a leading hydrotherapy centre in Spain and supplied the Spanish Royal Family during different reigns. Some of the most illustrious figures from last century enjoyed the therapeutic benefits of Mondariz water, including Isaac Peral, Echegaray, Arniches, Primo de Rivera, Castelao, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez and Castelar.


The bottling factory was initially located in a building next to the spring, but following reorganisation of the complex to extend and improve the Spa facilities and services, Aguas de Mondariz is now located on the shores of the river Tea, in the municipality of Mondariz, in the province of Pontevedra. This area belongs to the NATURA NETWORK and is subject to special protection because of its natural value.

Aguas de Mondariz Thermal water of Mondariz Balneario



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